List of Best and Worst Food Items that can Affect your Dental Health

Dental health is the most underrated habit of our routine. We eat and drink all kinds of food and beverages without thinking about how badly they can affect our dental health.

There is no doubt your eating habits have a direct impact on your dental health. Whatever food you eat, it comes first in contact with teeth and gums.

Your eating habits are responsible either for strengthening your teeth or decaying your teeth.  So let’s see some worst to best food habits suggested by a dental expert that can affect your oral health:

3 worst food items that cause tooth decay

  • Sticky candies, lollipops and sweets

If you love to eat candy and sweets go for those that clear out your mouth quickly. Strictly avoid lollipops, chocolates, caramels, and cotton candies that contain refined sugar and get stuck between your teeth.

These substances improve the risk of cavities that lead to tooth decay in future.

  • Carbonated soft drinks

Always avoid carbonated soft drinks and soda water. These beverages contain high amounts of citric acids and added sugar. Consuming carbonated soft drinks will damage your tooth enamel.

  • Junk food that contains starch

Junk food items like chips and cookies are prepared from refined flour. Refined flour contains purely starch that can stick to your teeth which leads to a bad oral smell. And increase the risk of enamel damage.

3 best food items for teeth strengthening

  • Dairy products for calcium

All types of dairy products are a rich source of calcium which will help strengthen your bones and teeth.

Milk, yoghurt, and cheese are very beneficial for your dental health. Apart from calcium, these also contain vitamins and minerals in high amounts.

  • Fruits and vegetables for fibre

Consuming fibre-rich fruits and vegetables can help to keep your teeth and gums clean.

Vegetables and fruits are a good source of keratin, fibres and vitamins that will strengthen your enamel.

Chewing them properly can help in cleaning and strengthening your teeth. By chewing action, you can massage your gums and improve the blood circulation in the nerves.

  • Green and black teas

These days contain high amounts of polyphenols. This substance prevents our teeth from growing plague bacteria. Plague bacteria make acids among the teeth that attack and damage the enamel.

Pro Tip: Drink plenty of water

Water has an energy that is essential to maintain your overall health. So drink plenty of water during the day and especially after having a meal, don’t forget to rinse with normal water. Intake of fluoridated water with normal pH is necessary for maintaining your oral health and hygiene.

Hopefully, you’ll apply these food habits in your daily life and choose your food wisely. Before consuming packaged food, read the list of ingredients on the label.

It’s about your dental health. Choose wisely!

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